Groundwater level and water quality data in Tongzhou District, Beijing from 2011-2019 were used to construct ROC curves of some water quality indicators before and after recharge of South-to-North water in the area.The following were identified: highly sensitive indicator Fe
3+ with AUC value > 0.7, moderately sensitive indicators
and F
− with AUC values between 0.6~0.7. Concentration of Fe
3+ was found to have become lower after recharge, but concentrations of
and F
− increased. A R-V copula model was constructed taking index F
− as an example.Indicators closely related to the sensitivity of F
− were found to be Ca
2+, Mg
2+, Na
+, Cl
−, pH.Ca
2+ and F
−were found markedly negatively correlated.After groundwater recharge, area Ca
2+ concentration was found to have decreased, which stimulated F
− activity; pH and F
− showed an indirect correlation via Ca
2+.With increased pH and alkaline environment, water Ca
2+ activity decreased, this was beneficial for F
− enrichment.F
−showed positive correlations with Mg
2+, Na
+, Cl
−.The correlation between Mg
2+ and F
− was due to the lixiviation and intimate hydraulic connection.Simultaneous increases in Cl
− and F
− were due to displacement reaction.When Ca
2+ concentration was low, Na
+ would adsorb and desorb with F
−, F
− could therefore be enriched.The sensitive enrichment of F
− in groundwater after recharge was due to 2 reasons. On the one hand, recharge stimulated dissolution of fluorine-containing minerals of primary geological origin and mixed dilution to promote dissolution of fluorine-containing minerals. On the other hand, recharge accelerated the mutual displacement of Cl
− and F
−, plus adsorption and desorption of Na
+ and Cl
−.The present work helps deepen the understanding of the evolution mechanism of groundwater quality in South-to-North water recharge area, also provides theoretical support and decision-making basis regarding groundwater monitoring, managing and water supply security in Beijing municipal administrative center.